VST Strengths

VS Technology has been developing products designed entirely in-house to meet the changing and diverse needs of our customers.In order to meet the quality standards of our customers’ requirements and applications, VS Technology has established its unique inspection system, which includes design verification, acceptance of materials for manufacturing, and product shipment. Come watch our production quality control system video!!

In-house design tailored to customers needs

In-house design tailored to customers needs

We organize a team of sales and engineers that can swiftly grasp customer needs and supply product in the shortest time.
Our accumulated know-how and in-house design allow us to provide flexible and quick service to our customers.

In-house design tailored to customers needs
In-house design tailored to customers needs

Strategies to ensure product safety and quality

Strategies to ensure product safety and quality

In order to meet the quality standards of our customers’ requirements and applications, VS Technology has established its unique inspection system, which includes design verification, acceptance of materials for manufacturing, and product shipment.
Click here to find more information about our production quality control system.


MTF measurement
MTF measurement

Resolution projection inspection
Resolution projection inspection

CTF measurement
CTF measurement

Production system that enables stable supply

Production system that enables stable supply

VS Technology operates multiple manufacturing facilities in Japan and overseas, but we are committed to ensuring that our products are of Japanese quality no matter where they are manufactured.

Production system that enables stable supply

Production system that enables stable supply

Production system that enables stable supply

Production system that enables stable supply

Safe and secure delivery system

Safe and secure delivery system

While we have established distribution bases in Japan and overseas, all of our sales bases also hold inventory as needed to ensure prompt delivery.
Our logistics system allows us to provide stable delivery regardless of unforeseen circumstances.