VL-CB-CL series
  • 최신 조명 제품 라인업(영문 페이지 바로가기)
  • Back Light

VL-CB-CL series

제품 스펙

High Parallelism Chip Back Light / Collimated Light

  • Direct chip back light.
  • Higher image brightness than standard VL-CB series.
  • Higher parallelism provide better image for measurement purpose.
  • RoHS compliant.

Brightness comparison between VL-CB-CL and VL-CB.

Even though the luminance (lux) of VL-CB type is higher than VL-CB-CL, actual image brightness of VL-CB-CL is much brighter than VL-CB as shown in the image. (left side image is CB-CL, right side is VL-CB.)


Better parallelism light provides better image for measurement application. At the edge of the object, there is some reflection in case of standard back light. However, VL-CB-CL image has better contrast at the same point due to the parallelism difference.

Technical Data


Model No.ColorDimension of Lighting Area (mm)Power Consumption (Max.)Download , Request quotes/demos
VL-CB0303R-CLRed32 x 3224V / 0.5WLogin
VL-CB0303W-CLWhite24V / 0.8WLogin
VL-CB0606W-CLWhite62 x 6224V / 3.2WLogin
VL-CB0909R-CLRed92 x 9224V / 4.0WLogin
VL-CB0909W-CLWhite24V / 7.2WLogin
VL-CB0909B-CLBlue24V / 6.5WLogin
VL-CB0909G-CLGreen24V / 7.9WLogin