我們很高興地通知您,我們的墨西哥辦事處VST Mexico SA de CV,自2月1日起已移至以下新地址。 我們將繼續為墨西哥和拉丁美洲的客戶提供最即時且詳盡的服務。
2021年1月1日VST TAIWAN 輝視科技將與VST LIGHTING輝視光電合併。
2020年許多展覽受到COVID-19疫情的影響而取消,所以我們製作了一部虛擬展覽影片,其中包含我們的新產品介紹。 邀請您欣賞這部影片,祝您觀賞愉快
2020年8月VST台灣 輝視科技股份有限公司,高雄辦公室已將其業務與新竹辦公司合併。 新竹辦公室地址: 302台灣新竹縣竹北市成功十二街30號5樓
您好: 感謝您長久以來對VS TECHNOLOGY產品的支持與鼓勵, 在此與您告知我們將停止生產與銷售以下產品, 詳細內容請與我們VS TECHNOLOGY各營運據點及業務窗口聯繫接洽, 若有造成您的不便與困擾, 還請您知悉諒解。 【停產型號 】VS-1628H10M系列 【替代型號】VS-H1618-IRC/11 【最後接單日期】 2020年10月30日 VS-1628H10M 系列停產通知
Dear Valued Customer, We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued success and prosperity along with your continued support to our company. This letter is to inform you that as of June 30, 2020, we executed a capital and business alliance with Ant Capital Partners Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Ant Capital). Accordingly, the composition of officers will also change from July 1, 2020. We have been managing the founding owner business as an optical solutions company specialized in the machine vision industry for more than 20 years since our foundation in January 1998. In addition to the globalization of the market, we will formulate growth strategies with investment funds and Ant Capital in order to provide more robust services in response to diversifying needs. We aim to further enhance corporate value to meet market needs by strengthening the business foundation of our 30 domestic and overseas bases, developing global human resources, and conducting M&A necessary for a growth trajectory. Please be reminded that there is no change in the future management policy. We will continue to devote ourselves to helping our business partners. We ask for your continued patronage and for your continued support and guidance. Best Regards, VS Technology Co., Ltd. Representative Director Takahiro Adachi Ant Capital Partners Co., Ltd. 5th Floor Tokio Marine & Nichido Building Shinkan 1-2-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005 Established October 23, 2000 Capital 100,000,000 yen Representative Ryosuke Iinuma Business Investment in private equity and business administration of investment limited partnership Shareholders. The Norinchukin Bank, MITSUI & CO., Principal Investments LTD., management & employees of Ant Capital Partners https://www.antcapital.jp/en/ July 1, 2020 - New officer composition Representative Director Takahiro Adachi Director Tomoyuki Imaizumi (Newly appointed) Director Yu Hashima (Newly appointed) Director Shinya Yamada (Newly appointed) Director Toru Ueda (Newly appointed) Auditor Hideki Tokoro Notification of changes regarding shareholder and officer composition
2019年7月1日起,為了強化日本國內外的物流對應,設立了VST相模原物流中心。 將持續努力提升物流運輸速度,達到更完善的支援服務。 VS Technology 相模原物流中心 地址:5-27-10,Higashifuchinobe,Chuo-ku, Sagamihara,Kanagawa 252-0203,Japan TEL:042-707-9301 FAX:042-707-9321
為了強化長野山梨地區的周戶,提供更佳的品質服務,於2019年4月諏訪辦事處開始營運。 針對長野山梨地區的客戶,提供影像處理的技術服務,設立了影像驗証的實驗室。 往後再請各位多多支持。
為了東北北海道地區的客戶提供更好的品質服務,於2017年4月仙台辦事處正式啟動。 同時,隨著北海道地區客戶在影像處理的需求增加,為此而設立實驗試,提供客戶技術服務。 往後,還請各位多多支持。
為了提供九州・中國地區顧客更好的技術支援及服務,因而設立福岡辦公室。 福岡辦公室 Address: 4th Floor, Okabe Bldg. No.6, 2-4-17, Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka, Fukuoka 812-0013, Japan TEL:092-409-6059 FAX:092-409-6069