ND filters

Neutral density (ND) filters are commonly used in biomedical imaging to control the amount of light entering a camera or microscope.

They are essential tools for optimizing image quality, exposure, and contrast in various biomedical applications.
ND filters


When using ND filters in biomedical imaging, it's important to select the appropriate filter density to achieve the desired level of light reduction without compromising image quality.

  • Microscopy


    Microscopes used for detailed observation in pathology and biological tissue necessitate filters to transmit specific wavelengths of light.

  • Endoscopy


    In endoscopic technology, optical filters are employed to use specific wavelength light for internal observation and procedures.

  • Fluorescence Imaging

    Fluorescence Imaging

    In fluorescence microscopy used for labeling cells and biological tissues, filters are essential for observing specific fluorescence.

  • Dental Imaging

    Dental Imaging

    In imaging diagnostic devices like X-rays, MRI, CT, etc., filters that allow or block specific wavelengths of light are necessary. This enhances the clarity of viewing specific tissues or abnormalities.

  • Spectrophotometry


    In spectroscopy, optical filters are utilized when analyzing the components and characteristics of drugs using light of specific wavelengths.

  • Flow Cytometry

    Flow Cytometry

    Devices for testing blood coagulation employ optical filters to use light of specific wavelengths for examination.


9 ways ND filters are used

  • Controlling Light Intensity

    ND filters reduce the intensity of light passing through them without altering its spectral composition.

  • Adjusting Exposure

    By adding or removing ND filters, researchers can control the exposure time and aperture settings of their imaging equipment.

  • Increasing Contrast

    ND filters can help improve the contrast of images by reducing the overall light level.

  • Protecting Sensitive Samples

    In some cases, biological specimens can be sensitive to intense light, and prolonged exposure may damage them.

  • Eliminating Glare and Reflections

    In fluorescence microscopy and other imaging techniques, glare and reflections from surfaces or bright objects can potentially obscure desired details.

  • Standardizing Imaging Conditions

    In research settings, it's important to maintain consistent imaging conditions across experiments or studies.

  • Enhancing Depth of Field

    ND filters can be used in conjunction with other techniques like focus stacking to increase the depth of field in microscopy.

  • Minimizing Photobleaching

    ND filters can be employed to reduce light intensity and extend the observation time of fluorescent samples.

  • Customizing Illumination

    In some setups like microscope photography or specialized imaging systems, adjusting illumination to specific requirements is crucial. ND filters allow precise tuning of light source output.

VS-Technology manufactures 2 types of ND filters


  • Application

    A metal type that uses surface reflection

  • Application

    A low-reflection type where the reflection is suppressed.


  • Transmittance Uniformity

    The transmittance spectrum is highly flat within the visible light range.

  • Accuracy of Optical Density

    Optical Density (OD) is precisely achieved within the range of 0.1 ~ 3.0.

  • Customizable to Desired Specifications

    We can manufacture beyond the mentioned optical density and wavelength ranges.

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