Dichroics Beamsplitter

Dichroic mirrors play a vital role in biomedical imaging by selectively reflecting or transmitting light of specific wavelengths while allowing other wavelengths to pass through.

They are integral components in various imaging techniques, such as fluorescence microscopy and multicolour imaging, to separate and manipulate different spectral channels.
Dichroics Beamsplitter


We design and manufacture dichroic mirrors for various applications, including high-dimensional spectral imaging, confocal microscopy, live cell imaging, and fluorescence microscopy.

  • High-Dimensional Spectral Imaging

    High-Dimensional Spectral Imaging

    Fluorescence imaging is utilized to observe the effects of drugs and dynamics within the living organism, requiring filters for observing light at specific wavelengths.

  • Confocal Microscopy

    Confocal Microscopy

    When conducting microscopic observations of drugs at a microscopic level, filters are used for microscope observations using light at specific wavelengths.

  • Live Cell Imaging

    Live Cell Imaging

    Filters are used for microscope observations using light at specific wavelengths when conducting microscopic observations.

  • Fluorescence Microscopy

    Fluorescence Microscopy

    In fluorescence microscopy used for labeling cells and biological tissues, filters are essential for observing specific fluorescence.


In all these applications, the choice of dichroic mirrors, their spectral characteristics, and their proper alignment are critical to achieving accurate and meaningful results in biomedical imaging.

Dichroic mirrors enable researchers to extract specific spectral information, enhance contrast, and obtain valuable insights into biological structures and processes.
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